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One of the best forms of exercise is water-based classes, where the buoyancy unloads the spinal and lower limb joints and provides gentle resistance to movement whilst the interaction with other soon-to-be mothers can provide a sense of comfort and establish a good support network.
Subiaco Women’s Health classes are offered in a modern, purpose-built hydrotherapy pool under the close supervision of qualified physiotherapists. Naturally all necessary precautions are taken to ensure you and your baby are safe and happy. Due to this, an initial assessment is required by one of our Women's Health physiotherapists before starting.
Subiaco Women’s Health offers antenatal hydrotherapy classes:
Benefits of exercising in water during pregnancy:
SportsMed Subiaco offers a variety of exercise options for pregnant women and new mothers wanting to maintain their fitness and strength during this special time.
Download PDF BrochureIf you would like more information, please call today on (08) 9382 9600 and one of our physiotherapists will be happy to help you.