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Our services include inpatient maternity consultations (St John of God Subiaco Hospital), private outpatient clinic appointments and a range of exercise classes. By offering both inpatient and outpatient services, we can ensure a complete and smooth transition of care throughout a mother’s perinatal journey.
Our team is comprised of physiotherapists with extensive clinical experience and who have completed their Masters in Clinical Physiotherapy (Continence and Women’s Health).
Pelvic health physiotherapy assessment and management for women through all life stages. Experience and expertise in pelvic health issues such as bladder and bowel dysfunction, pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic pain and pain with sexual intercourse. Pregnancy related conditions including pregnancy related pain. Postnatal assessments and breastfeeding issues (cracked nipples, blocked ducts, mastitis).
Antenatal hydrotherapy, postnatal mums and bubs pool classes, all age women’s water fitness classes, one-on-one rehabilitation and independent rehabilitation. All classes will require an initial assessment with one of our Women’s Health physiotherapists before commencing.